Or Jack Nicholson, for that matter. But still, check out the other blogfesters here at Swin - Write - Run.
I jumped out of a plane in 2010, so that one has a huge checkmark. If you're thinking about doing it, you should. Seriously. It was amazing. Buy the video, buy the pictures. Do it all, and do it right.
So, here we go!
1. Get a tattoo.
Yes, I want one. A little one, probably on the back of my neck. And as dork-tastic as it is, I want the four star Dragon Ball. Hey, you bring the seven together and get a wish. That's awesome. You just can't deny it. Maybe that will be for my thirtieth birthday. But my wussiness and low pain tolerance may present a problem...
2. Cruise around the world
Eat Pray Love made me remember how much world travelling used to mean to me. People always say they'll travel if they come into money, and I'm no different. So, since I don't play the lottery and I'm not expecting a Rowling-sized payout any tim soon (realistic, not negative!), I'm going to have to save-save-save. But I want it more than so many things in life.
3. Dye my hair
This is old-hat for many people, but I've never done it. The closest I came was when I was nineteen. I wanted red highlights through my muddy brown. Paid my money, sat in the chair, and saw zero difference at the end of it all. Unbeknowst to me, my dear (meddling) mother told the stylist to make it as faint as she could. So, I don't count it. :) Blonde streaks would be fun, but I'm so partial to something in red.
4. Learn French
I took Spanish in high school, but French...it's just such a gorgeous, sensual language. It's like a warm oboe solo with subtle vibrato. Know what I mean? It would be fun to learn and speak (when I'm travelling through France, of course).
5. Dark Phoenix for Halloween
This is my outlandish one if you didn't already guess. :) But I'd have to really, REALLY pull it off. High heels, spandex, reddish brown wig. Now we've come to the real reason for all my exercising, huh? That would be the year I actually go to Halloween parties.
So, there's my five. Travelling would open up so many more, but I had to really think of these. I'm looking forward to reading the other buckets list to get more ideas.
What about you? Five things on your bucket list. Annnnnd GO!
NICE! I like the dark Phoenix one, you could dye your hair bright red for that and knock two off your list.
I dare you to do the tatoo and hair dye TODAY! Why not? You already know you want to, it takes hardly any time, and how many people actually do things on their bucket list? Imagine how good it would feel to know you did it.
Excellent list, and I like Erinn's suggestion! :) The idea of a tattoo on the back of my neck makes me cringe, but it would look cool.
Thanks for participating!
You've already been skydiving! WOW! Definitely dye the hair- it's fun (and relatively inexpensive)
I can highly recommend tattoos. Maybe a small one first, somewhere very inconspicuous? It would let you test your pain tolerance! I have seven, but they're all pretty small. Not sure how I'd handle hours and hours under the needles.
I just dyed over my red highlights a couple weeks ago!
For my 30th I wanted to be a whole new me, and went with the Bella-from-Twilight look. Loved the red, hated the roots.
Totally go for it, though!
Great list! In college I died my hair "Tulip" (read: hot pink). I loved it, but it had interesting side effects. I was walking through campus during a break, so it was pretty deserted; I saw somebody's Mom trip and fall coming out of a dorm. When I went to help her up she thanked me but looked at my like I was possibly homicidal and definitely dangerous. I had no idea why until a friend pointed out, "Well, your hair is PINK."
Well, don't forget to post your experience about the Halloween here in the Dark Phoenix.
with warm regards
Loved the one about the hair. Laughed out loud about your mom's part in it. Typical mom thing to do.
I'm a bit older than you but I guess I'm more interested in just hanging around these days--no special bucket list for me. I've done a lot of things in my life and there's not a whole lot of adventures I crave. I do want to get at least a book or two published before I depart.
Tossing It Out
Great list! A cruise around the world sounds wonderful...
great list, marie! travelling seems to be something everyone wants to do. learning french is on my list, too, ha. and im deff going to dye my hair one day...:)
I think it would be lovely to cruise around the world. I just wish the world was a bit more stable. But I guess that's part of the adventure.
Ooooh, this list makes me want to rethink my own!!!
A tatoo? Yes, yes,! I want one too! Though I'm too chicken to do it.
Learn a new language? Yes, yes! Me too!
And I'm thoroughly jealous about your skydiving experience. I've always wanted to do it but am way too neurotic/anxious to ultimately go for it.
You jumped out of a plane! WOW! I'd like to do that, but I'm not sure if I actually could.
I jumped out of a plane too, but getting a tatoo scares the crap out of me! Though I will probably get one on the back of my neck too :)
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